
I'm ready

Ok, new post! Lol I'm doing good for 2 in a row.

So I was thinking more on the Spiritual side today. Not that I don't think about my faith in God everyday, but I feel like I was just dwelling more on Spiritual battle topics today. I think so many people feel like its a boring topic. Ya know? It's one of those things were you've either heard about the little devil and angel on the shoulder or you've heard the the devil made me do it. But in either case you are the understood person with a battle raging around every thought, every word spoken, and every action.

So what brought this topic to my mind?

Well, today we were talking about harmony in theory class today for hair. Now the word Harmony, seems to always cause people to think of balance. But, that's not the correct definition. It's not merely ignoring the fact that somethings wrong, or that you just need to deal with things alone, or even that you need to live with those things. No all of that is balancing or allowing all of that to be in your life. No harmony is really unity. A peace. I'll explain it this way, if you listen to two people sing a line from a song, but one of them is singing it really wrong, then that would be disgusting; however, if you hear two people sing a line from a song and they are singing the same tune or tunes that fit together, then that is harmony.

It's a beautiful thing that our world lacks. HARMONY.

If you life lacks harmony with God, then people will notice. To them it will be like two wrong notes playing over and over again.

As a musician I have learned how to sing and work with harmonies musically. I love to find them in songs and sing along because, it allows for everyone to have a part in the song. It gives everyone their 'own song' in a way. We all have our own song to live. Whether or not you are a beautiful song is up to you.


In Moderation

Ok so it's that time. Time to write an amazing blog.

So lately I've been planning my upcoming wedding. Luke and I are so excited, but with all of the cake planning, music picking, invitation sending and my all-time-favorite well, so far I don't have a favorite. To be honest, I love all of the excitement but it is wearing me down and I find myself exhausted at the end of each day. We're trying to save money with this wedding, but it's so darn expensive. And doing that is exremely bothersome to do. I'm ready for this to come and go.

With the exhaustion and mentality of moderation my body has physically gone into lazy mode. It's not good. I always end up not doing one thing. You know that feeling? The "I'll wait until last for this one." and "Well that isn't as important as this." I always think like that now.

I'm LAZY! I'm wondering if after all of this bride stuff wears off, the tired feeling will too.


What Do We Know?

It's been a while, and I'm feeling the desperation to let my thoughts fall from my head to the place where I see them on the screen. You know... the urge to break from the chaos of everyday life and just enjoy typing to you the blogging world.

Right now I am excited because my wedding is now only 7 months away. Today I'm going dress shopping!!! Yay!!! I cant wait to see all of the beautiful dresses! I am taking one of my best friends with me who's one of my brides maids.

I can't wait to be a married woman. Crazy I know. Some people dread the day that they would get "tied down", but that's a stupid phrase anyways! I want to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams. A guy that knows me sometimes better than I know myself, continues to help me grow in my spiritual journey, and his ambitions are the same as my own. We'll become one family and push on in life together.

Some people (aka many people) have said that this is a huge undertaking in life and that We are extremely young. But you see, if I didn't take this step of marriage and went on living my life without this man, I would be living half heartily. I know that God has us together for a reason and I love him! And I love God and trust Him as much as I possibly can!

There are days when Luke and I are excited to death, and other days where there are challenges, and we are continuing to pursue this relationship. And what do we know? We know that love has been perverted by the world, and that God has been constantly trying to show the world what true love is. We know that we can't portray the perfect love that God has the best, but we'll try our best to show it. We want to have a relationship that other people will know is real. And that's all we know.

Well I'm gonna mingle with the family.

