Well most titles for Political Blogs are. I've seen so many that just say GO VOTE, or VOTE TODAY. And my favorite WWJV... Who Would Jesus Vote?
I think voting is a great thing. It's a way that everyone over the age of 18 can express their values, and show where they stand on issues. But with today's society, many people are making it not about themselves, but about race and history. Today at the poles, you'll see many people just standing in line waiting to press the buttons for a person that just sounds like an ok choice. That's fine I suppose, but who are they voting for? What are they voting for? A president doesn't impact a nation anymore than a senator or a congressman. The people standing in line are voting on what color the person is, what religion the person is, and whether or not their parents are voting for them as well. 2 out of 3 of those depending on who you are define who you vote for.
Undefined Christian
Two different people who can propose plans to change America, but in reality never will. YOU WILL, the people. If they vote yes or no for your bill then, you changed America. If you contact your senator or congressman and have them vote a certain way, then you are putting your two cents in and "VOTING", picking a person for president really isn't as important as picking laws and congressmen/senators.
So vote for whoever you want. I would vote for the person most likely to listen. Someone who doesn't have too many plans ahead of you. So that way YOU can decide, and not the President. And that's why America is the way it is. Too many people vote a person into office and then expect him to do everything. THE PRESIDENT ISN'T GOD. You have to do your part in society. If you hate society, then you hate yourself, because that's who makes it up.
And people who don't vote or contact their senators are the people you see on t.v. speaking their minds, and really just getting their 10 minutes of fame. If Americans would stop looking to the President for everything then it would be the UNITED States of America.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." is an amazing quote by Abraham Lincoln. And what do we have now. A nation split into pieces, divided and sitting out in the open ready for anything knock it down.
Personally I think that the war in Iraq is a good thing, just the fact that we're trying to help another country with their government. HOWEVER, I oppose it at the same time just because as a nation we're aren't stable. Who looks to us anymore? You cant pass people anymore without wondering if they think the same as you do on issues. Families don't speak of politics at home because there are so many disagreements.
When will we all be Americans and actually care about each other. What is best? Tell people in charge instead of gossiping like little school girls to one another. And when are the Christians going to start praying instead of joining in on this gossip? That's when Americans will be true AMERICANS.
God loves laughter. So smile and let it out!
So today my fiance and I were talking about getting slapped back into the presence of God, sometimes when we don't even think we need to. It's crazy how this works, but I found a few verses in Psalm 119 (or I should say he found them) that totally apply:
169-176 Let my cry come right into your presence, God;
provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word.
Give my request your personal attention,
rescue me on the terms of your promise.
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you've taught me the truth about life!
And let your promises ring from my tongue;
every order you've given is right.
Put your hand out and steady me
since I've chosen to live by your counsel.
I'm homesick, God, for your salvation;
I love it when you show yourself!
Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well,
use your decrees to put iron in my soul.
And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me!
I'll recognize the sound of your voice.
I think it's important to view the situation as David did, to be "homesick" for God's salvation. When we think that everything is perfect and going the best, that's usually when we need a tug at our heart that gently leads us back to the place where we are yearning and seeking God's forgiveness. God's always going to be standing there seeking us out to bring us back like lost sheep. And when God calls, it's something that we recognize.
The only way to praise God is when we allow Him to show Himself to us. If we build up wall after wall trying to create our own person, then He becomes hidden, and it hits us harder and harder everytime each of the walls fall.
We shouldn't have to wait for the last wall to hit us like a plank to the face for us to listen. When God calls, we know it's Him, we need to be willing to turn around and run back. He'll guide us over the walls we put up if we turn around and let Him. When we don't listen to Him call us gently He will find a way to get through to His followers. It's amazing how much He loves us.
So remember you're in good hands.
God Bless,
So today my fiance and I were talking about getting slapped back into the presence of God, sometimes when we don't even think we need to. It's crazy how this works, but I found a few verses in Psalm 119 (or I should say he found them) that totally apply:
169-176 Let my cry come right into your presence, God;
provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word.
Give my request your personal attention,
rescue me on the terms of your promise.
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you've taught me the truth about life!
And let your promises ring from my tongue;
every order you've given is right.
Put your hand out and steady me
since I've chosen to live by your counsel.
I'm homesick, God, for your salvation;
I love it when you show yourself!
Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well,
use your decrees to put iron in my soul.
And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me!
I'll recognize the sound of your voice.
I think it's important to view the situation as David did, to be "homesick" for God's salvation. When we think that everything is perfect and going the best, that's usually when we need a tug at our heart that gently leads us back to the place where we are yearning and seeking God's forgiveness. God's always going to be standing there seeking us out to bring us back like lost sheep. And when God calls, it's something that we recognize.
The only way to praise God is when we allow Him to show Himself to us. If we build up wall after wall trying to create our own person, then He becomes hidden, and it hits us harder and harder everytime each of the walls fall.
We shouldn't have to wait for the last wall to hit us like a plank to the face for us to listen. When God calls, we know it's Him, we need to be willing to turn around and run back. He'll guide us over the walls we put up if we turn around and let Him. When we don't listen to Him call us gently He will find a way to get through to His followers. It's amazing how much He loves us.
So remember you're in good hands.
God Bless,
I am so tired of Huntington. It's very boring and unproductive to me. I don't know what I want to do with life in the "World" as we know it. Everyone said that once highschool was over with, you entered into the 'real world'. So far for me, everything is the same. Its just work and the times for classes are different. And going to a liberal arts college, there are so many classes that you have to take in order to graduate with a certain major. I know I probably just sound like I'm complaining. Well I am.
My Case
Highschool pushes colleges on you like bad guys push the drugs. It's almost like if you go to college you'll have the time of your life and learn at the same time. You'll be the best you can be! Well, I believe that college can be beneficial and that life after college might be better off than life without ever going. The only thing is, if you don't know what you want to do, and you don't want to do the work, then why spend a bottoms load of doo doo and go for a year to find out that you still don't know what to do? It all seems like a waste of God's money and the precious time He's graciously given us all.
I know... You're thinking, "I know lots of people who went to or are going to college and they love it." And my reply is simply this. They probably all are involved on the campus, or know what they are doing and likes learning, or the most poplular reason is because they are ingadging in a relationship with someone at the college. If your answer is D) none of the above, then that's crazy. Who loves college and isn't any of those.
Oh well, I guess I'm just rambling. You see, I know that right now I could be using the whole Carpe Diem idea to help me get through this semester. But I'm caught in conflict. My parents hate me being gone from home and don't ever like it when I have people over. So, when I want to actually get to know people, or impact and be impacted by people, it just becomes difficult.
My philosophy for right now is to just get through this semester of college decently grade wise and then get a steady job. That way the hours I have at work will be ours that I can impact the people I work with, the work place, and be impacted the way God wants me to while I'm still here in Indiana. Then after the wedding, go to Hillsong in Australia, and become entirely consumed with the passion for living like Jesus. I have that desire to be the most like Jesus that I can and I can't do that by just sitting here. It's so difficult and frustrating. I just want to jump up and run around the US telling people about how there's this friendship that never dies, never abuses, never puts down, and always loves, and it's found in Jesus Christ our Saviour!
I'm So ADD!
I love God!
Yeah I do!
I love God!
How About You?!?!?
God Bless,
My Case
Highschool pushes colleges on you like bad guys push the drugs. It's almost like if you go to college you'll have the time of your life and learn at the same time. You'll be the best you can be! Well, I believe that college can be beneficial and that life after college might be better off than life without ever going. The only thing is, if you don't know what you want to do, and you don't want to do the work, then why spend a bottoms load of doo doo and go for a year to find out that you still don't know what to do? It all seems like a waste of God's money and the precious time He's graciously given us all.
I know... You're thinking, "I know lots of people who went to or are going to college and they love it." And my reply is simply this. They probably all are involved on the campus, or know what they are doing and likes learning, or the most poplular reason is because they are ingadging in a relationship with someone at the college. If your answer is D) none of the above, then that's crazy. Who loves college and isn't any of those.
Oh well, I guess I'm just rambling. You see, I know that right now I could be using the whole Carpe Diem idea to help me get through this semester. But I'm caught in conflict. My parents hate me being gone from home and don't ever like it when I have people over. So, when I want to actually get to know people, or impact and be impacted by people, it just becomes difficult.
My philosophy for right now is to just get through this semester of college decently grade wise and then get a steady job. That way the hours I have at work will be ours that I can impact the people I work with, the work place, and be impacted the way God wants me to while I'm still here in Indiana. Then after the wedding, go to Hillsong in Australia, and become entirely consumed with the passion for living like Jesus. I have that desire to be the most like Jesus that I can and I can't do that by just sitting here. It's so difficult and frustrating. I just want to jump up and run around the US telling people about how there's this friendship that never dies, never abuses, never puts down, and always loves, and it's found in Jesus Christ our Saviour!
I'm So ADD!
I love God!
Yeah I do!
I love God!
How About You?!?!?
God Bless,

Welcome to my blog: a place where I can freely express myself, and give you little bits and pieces of what my world looks like.
This is just my first way of letting you all know who I am.
Ha enjoy.
Well, right now it is October 18th, 2008. I've lived 19years to see this day. Out of those 19 years, I look back and find that all of them carry memories and only some of them carry things I'd never wish to re-live. I'm sure all of you have a similar story give or take a few years.
I officially woke up this morning at about 9:00 am to the sound of my dad tapping on my door to wake me up. (He's done this off and on since I was probably 8) Then he called through the door as though he knew I was just lying in bed wrestling with the idea of getting out of my warm covers and into my cold room. "Amber, are you up?" he said. I moaned a little and managed to form the word yes. "Well, you'd better get up out soon and get some things done around here if you want to do anything today!"
So I sat up looked at the clock, turned over and snuggled deeper into my covers to catch what I always call a few more winks (but in reality always ends up being about another hour.)
Finally, I got out of bed and found some sweats and put them on to try and keep warm. Last night I had forgotten to close my window, so my room was freezing. Then I moseyed out of my room to the kitchen where my mom made me eat something.
I remember thinking through all of that, "How can I make today count?" Honestly. I knew I was going to get out of bed late and then perform the Saturday ritual that has become my routine since I started college. But today was different.
"How do I make today count?" The question kept rolling around in my mind. I don't know why it was there but it was, and it frustrated me.
To start things off a little different I decided to do some laundry (instead of waiting for it to pile around my bed to where I'd have to swim to the door.). Then, I tidied up my bathroom. All of these things didn't seem to "make it count". So I looked for a few more things to do around the house, but I became more and more frustrated with the thought of being at home. It seems to me that I'm usually at home, church, or school... sometimes I'll make it to a restaurant, but even now a days it seems like I've been getting it to go mostly. 'To go' where? I always go home. There are little things that I do here and there that require me to be places, but the majority of my time is spent at home, at school, or at church.
How frustrating. It's impossible to make today count when I just go with the normal. I get in the habit of not caring what's around me, I just do my thing. Even when I go to my fiance's house, it's like I go there expecting to see his family talk about how schools going, and then try and get home by a decent time so that my mom and dad don't freak out... even though the last one's usually always a failed attempt.
So it's about 1:30 now and my agenda looks like this:
from now until 2:15 continued cleaning around the house
from 2:15-3:00 straightening my hair and getting ready to leave
3:00-3:45 driving to Luke's house
3:45-5:15 spending time with Luke's family
5:30- whenever spending time talking with Tiffany
8:00 -9:45 going to TWS's last show
9:45-10:30 driving home to Columbia City
10:45 sleep
How do I make that schedule "count"?
Idk. We'll see what God dishes up, and then I'll just blog it.
So until next time!
God Bless,
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