
Gossip instead of Votes


Well most titles for Political Blogs are. I've seen so many that just say GO VOTE, or VOTE TODAY. And my favorite WWJV... Who Would Jesus Vote?

I think voting is a great thing. It's a way that everyone over the age of 18 can express their values, and show where they stand on issues. But with today's society, many people are making it not about themselves, but about race and history. Today at the poles, you'll see many people just standing in line waiting to press the buttons for a person that just sounds like an ok choice. That's fine I suppose, but who are they voting for? What are they voting for? A president doesn't impact a nation anymore than a senator or a congressman. The people standing in line are voting on what color the person is, what religion the person is, and whether or not their parents are voting for them as well. 2 out of 3 of those depending on who you are define who you vote for.






Undefined Christian


Two different people who can propose plans to change America, but in reality never will. YOU WILL, the people. If they vote yes or no for your bill then, you changed America. If you contact your senator or congressman and have them vote a certain way, then you are putting your two cents in and "VOTING", picking a person for president really isn't as important as picking laws and congressmen/senators.

So vote for whoever you want. I would vote for the person most likely to listen. Someone who doesn't have too many plans ahead of you. So that way YOU can decide, and not the President. And that's why America is the way it is. Too many people vote a person into office and then expect him to do everything. THE PRESIDENT ISN'T GOD. You have to do your part in society. If you hate society, then you hate yourself, because that's who makes it up.

And people who don't vote or contact their senators are the people you see on t.v. speaking their minds, and really just getting their 10 minutes of fame. If Americans would stop looking to the President for everything then it would be the UNITED States of America.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." is an amazing quote by Abraham Lincoln. And what do we have now. A nation split into pieces, divided and sitting out in the open ready for anything knock it down.

Personally I think that the war in Iraq is a good thing, just the fact that we're trying to help another country with their government. HOWEVER, I oppose it at the same time just because as a nation we're aren't stable. Who looks to us anymore? You cant pass people anymore without wondering if they think the same as you do on issues. Families don't speak of politics at home because there are so many disagreements.

When will we all be Americans and actually care about each other. What is best? Tell people in charge instead of gossiping like little school girls to one another. And when are the Christians going to start praying instead of joining in on this gossip? That's when Americans will be true AMERICANS.