
What Do We Know?

It's been a while, and I'm feeling the desperation to let my thoughts fall from my head to the place where I see them on the screen. You know... the urge to break from the chaos of everyday life and just enjoy typing to you the blogging world.

Right now I am excited because my wedding is now only 7 months away. Today I'm going dress shopping!!! Yay!!! I cant wait to see all of the beautiful dresses! I am taking one of my best friends with me who's one of my brides maids.

I can't wait to be a married woman. Crazy I know. Some people dread the day that they would get "tied down", but that's a stupid phrase anyways! I want to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams. A guy that knows me sometimes better than I know myself, continues to help me grow in my spiritual journey, and his ambitions are the same as my own. We'll become one family and push on in life together.

Some people (aka many people) have said that this is a huge undertaking in life and that We are extremely young. But you see, if I didn't take this step of marriage and went on living my life without this man, I would be living half heartily. I know that God has us together for a reason and I love him! And I love God and trust Him as much as I possibly can!

There are days when Luke and I are excited to death, and other days where there are challenges, and we are continuing to pursue this relationship. And what do we know? We know that love has been perverted by the world, and that God has been constantly trying to show the world what true love is. We know that we can't portray the perfect love that God has the best, but we'll try our best to show it. We want to have a relationship that other people will know is real. And that's all we know.

Well I'm gonna mingle with the family.

